Research at Adyen
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We do a lot of research at Adyen, usually by means of MSc thesis internships. If you are a TU Delft student, and want to do some nice research here, drop me an e-mail.
An Exploratory Study of Log Placement Recommendation in an Enterprise System
Mining Software Repositories Conference (MSR), 2021
Logging is a development practice that plays an important role in the operations and monitoring of complex systems.
Developers place log statements in the source code and use log data to understand how the system behaves in production.
Unfortunately, anticipating where to log during development is challenging.
Previous studies show the feasibili...
Learning Off-By-One Mistakes: An Empirical Study
Mining Software Repositories Conference (MSR), 2021
Mistakes in binary conditions are a source of error in many software systems. They happen when developers use, e.g., < or > instead of <= or >=. These boundary mistakes are hard to find and impose manual, labor-intensive work for software developers. While previous research has been proposing solutions to identify errors in boundary ...
Search-Based Software Re-Modularization: A Case Study at Adyen
IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP), 2021
Deciding what constitutes a single module, what classes belong to which module or the right set of modules for a specific software system has always been a challenging task. The problem is even harder in large-scale software systems composed of thousands of classes and hundreds of modules. Over the years, researchers have been proposing differen...
Automatically Identifying Parameter Constraints in Complex Web APIs: A Case Study at Adyen
IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP), 2021
Web APIs may have constraints on parameters, such that not all parameters are either always required or always optional. Moreover, the presence or value of one parameter could cause another parameter to be required, or parameters could have restrictions on what kinds of values are valid. Having a clear overview of the constraints helps API consu...
Tracing Back Log Data to its Log Statement: From Research to Practice
IEEE/ACM 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2019
Logs are widely used as a source of information to understand the activity of computer systems and to monitor their health and stability. However, most log analysis techniques require the link between the log messages in the raw log file and the log statements in the source code that produce them. Several solutions have been proposed to solve th...
An Exploratory Study on Faults in Web API Integration in a Large-Scale Payment Company
ICSE-SEIP '18: 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice Track, 2018
Service-oriented architectures are more popular than ever, and increasingly companies and organizations depend on services offered through Web APIs. The capabilities and complexity of Web APIs differ from service to service, and therefore the impact of API errors varies. API problem cases related to Adyen’s payment service were found to have dir...
An Experience Report on Applying Passive Learning in a Large-Scale Payment Company
33rd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2017
Passive learning techniques infer graph models on the behavior of a system from large trace logs. The research community has been dedicating great effort in making passive learning techniques more scalable and ready to use by industry. However, there is still a lack of empirical knowledge on the usefulness and applicability of such techniques in...